Gerrit Heil was educated as biologist and worked for more than 30 years at Utrecht University. His work has been concerned with bio-geography with emphasis on habitat fragmentation, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. A major part of his research was focused on the impact of human activities in the National Park Iztaccíhuatl – Popocatèpetl in Mexico. He participated in several national and international research programs with focus on landscape ecology. In relation to his research interests he developed a master program Ecology & Natural Resource Management. Presently, he carries out photography projects as autonomous photographer.
Gerrit was chair of 'Fotogroep Kromme Rijn' (FKR) during the period 2015-2021, and is now involved with a workshop on autonomous photography of Statief - a school of photography. In addition he is involved with the taskgroup Education of the Royal Photography Union.
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